Lemon essential oil is obtained by pressing fresh lemon peel followed by filtration. The main components are the aldehydes that also give this essential oil its specific smell. It contains furano-coumarins that make it photosensitizing. Attention! Either orally or applied to the skin, do not expose yourself to the sun for 12 hours after using this essential oil.
Having bactericidal and antifungal properties, it kills bacteria and fights against infections caused by microscopic fungi (mycoses). It protects liver lipids, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and cleans the liver.
It has an anxiolytic and antidepressant action by regulating the release of serotonin with an action on dopamine.
Regulates scalp sebum.
*Atmospheric antiseptic by diffusion;
*Digestive disorders, nausea, vomiting;
*Gastritis, hepatic drainage;
*Car sickness;
*Stress, anxiety;
*General tonic;
Way of ussage:
*Atmospheric diffusion (can be used with other oils in combination - rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus, geranium, cloves, ylang-ylang)
*Dry inhalation
*Oral route (digestive disorders/3-9 drops of essential oil per day in adults/1 drop = 40 mg/children: 1-5 drops of essential oil per day)
Practical advice for daily needs:
*In case of nausea, put 1-2 drops of essential oil on a piece of sugar and repeat 3-4 times a day. For children and pregnant women, put 1-2 drops of essential oil on a handkerchief and inhale;
*In case of oily hair or dandruff, put 3-4 drops of essential oil in a spoonful of shampoo, mix and wash the hair.